Perseverance Roverโ€™s Descent and Touchdown on Mars

NASA's Mars 2020 Perseverance mission captured thrilling footage of its rover landing in Mars' Jezero Crater on Feb. 18, 2021. The real footage in this video was captured by several cameras that are part of the rover's entry, descent, and landing suite. The views include a camera looking down from the spacecraft's descent stage (a kind of rocket-powered jet pack that helps fly the rover to its landing site), a camera on the rover looking up at the descent stage, a camera on the top of the aeroshell (a capsule protecting the rover) looking up at that parachute, and a camera on the bottom of the rover looking down at the Martian surface.


5 years ago source permalink

High-Resolution Still Image of Perseverance's Landing

This high-resolution still image is part of a video taken by several cameras as NASAโ€™s Perseverance rover touched down on Mars on Feb. 18, 2021. A camera aboard the descent stage captured this shot.

space   mars  

5 years ago source permalink


On December 9, 2020, Starship serial number 8 (SN8) completed a high-altitude flight test as it successfully ascended, transitioned propellant, and demonstrated a first-of-its-kind controlled aerodynamic descent and landing flip maneuver

space   spacex  

5 years ago source permalink

New Horizons is so Far From Earth That the Positions of the Stars Look a Little Different From its Perspective

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5 years ago source permalink

NASA fixes Mars lander by hitting it with a shovel


6 years ago source permalink

The size of space

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6 years ago source permalink


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6 years ago source permalink

50 years

HOUSTON: Roger, Tranquility. Be advised there's lots of smiling faces in this room, and all over the world. TRANQUILITY: There are two of them up here. COLUMBIA: And don't forget one in the command module.


6 years ago source permalink

View from the fairing during the STP-2 mission


6 years ago source permalink