No matter what


4 years ago source permalink

When I show the new guy how my code works

humor   programming  

4 years ago source permalink

When I’m about to do a huge commit

humor   programming  

4 years ago source permalink

When they ask me to remove a function from a legacy project

When they ask me to remove a function from a legacy project

humor   programming  

4 years ago source permalink

Judgement on COVID-19

humor   covid  

4 years ago source permalink

Male opera singers dubbed with ship’s horns


4 years ago source permalink

When we try to fix a bug in production

humor   programming  

5 years ago source permalink


humor   science   bats  

5 years ago source permalink

Eini maðurinn sem er að gera eitthvað af viti í þessu samkomubanni

„Ég braut kannski ekki saman þvottinn sem ég ætlaði að brjóta saman í kvöld, en ég kom nú samt ýmsu í verk,“ segir Haukur Viðar Alfreðsson í færslu sinni á Twitter í gær.


5 years ago source permalink

Heard you was talkin shit!


5 years ago source permalink