New Horizons is so Far From Earth That the Positions of the Stars Look a Little Different From its Perspective

space   science  

5 years ago source permalink



5 years ago permalink

Eini maðurinn sem er að gera eitthvað af viti í þessu samkomubanni

„Ég braut kannski ekki saman þvottinn sem ég ætlaði að brjóta saman í kvöld, en ég kom nú samt ýmsu í verk,“ segir Haukur Viðar Alfreðsson í færslu sinni á Twitter í gær.


5 years ago source permalink

NASA fixes Mars lander by hitting it with a shovel


5 years ago source permalink

Heard you was talkin shit!


5 years ago source permalink

AZR electrospusk


5 years ago source permalink



5 years ago source permalink

Musicians Algorithmically Generate Every Possible Melody, Release Them to Public Domain

Two programmer-musicians wrote every possible MIDI melody in existence to a hard drive, copyrighted the whole thing, and then released it all to the public in an attempt to stop musicians from getting sued. Programmer, musician, and copyright attorney Damien Riehl, along with fellow musician/programmer Noah Rubin, sought to stop copyright lawsuits that they believe stifle the creative freedom of artists.

humor   programming  

5 years ago source permalink

Second Reality

demo   demoscene  

5 years ago source permalink


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Bleeps #ableton

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5 years ago source permalink