Asteroid Bennu is Full of Rocks and Boulders

The photo above shows an abundance of boulders on the surface of asteroid Bennu (101955 Bennu), as taken by the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft.


6 years ago source permalink

Office view


6 years ago source permalink

Blue Origin unveils lunar lander

Blue Origin revealed new details about a lunar lander concept that the company’s founder says can support a human return to the moon by 2024.


6 years ago source permalink


space   science  

6 years ago permalink

Mynd birt af svartholi

Myndin sýnir efni í plasmaformi hverfast um yfirborð myrkvaðs svarthols. Annað hvort svartholið sjálft, eða yfirborð þess, snýst réttsælis. Svartholið hefur 6,5 milljörðum sinnum meiri massa en sólin og er þvermál þess þremur milljónum sinnum lengra en þvermál jarðarinnar. Þetta er talið vera eitt stærsta svarthol hins sýnilega heims.

space   science  

6 years ago source permalink

Trajectories of stars orbiting the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way

The Milky Way Galaxy black hole is the closest example of the supermassive black holes, located only ~25,000 light years away from us. Its mass is estimated to be 4 million times the mass of the sun, which implies that the schwarzschild radius is about 17 times that of Sun's radius.


6 years ago source permalink

Dragon docking


6 years ago source permalink

Hayabusa2 touchdown


6 years ago permalink


space   science  

6 years ago source permalink

Chang'e 4 descent video

This video shows Chang'e-4's descent into Von Kármán crater on 3 January 2019. Touchdown occured at 10:26 Beijing time (02:26 UTC, 22:26 EST 2 January). The video was captured using Chang'e-4's Landing Camera (LCAM). Credit: CNSA / CLEP


6 years ago source permalink