Mikið um að vera í geimnum á árinu

Þó árið 2019 sé einungis ný byrjað hefur mannkynið þó náð tveimur áföngum í geimnum. Bandaríska geimfarið New Horizons hefur flogið fram hjá Ultima Thule, fjarlægasta fyrirbæri sem geimfar hefur kannað. Þá lentu Kínverjar fari á fjarhlið tunglsins og er það í fyrsta sinn sem slíkt er gert.


6 years ago source permalink

First Images of Ultima Thule

Images of the Kuiper Belt object Ultima Thule unveil the very first stages of solar system's history

space   science  

6 years ago source permalink

Jupiter, Io, Europa


6 years ago source permalink

Russian astronauts returning from the ISS

space   humor   russia  

6 years ago source permalink

Progress launch timelapse seen from space


6 years ago source permalink

NASA fixes Hubble gyroscope by turning it off and on again

In an attempt to correct the erroneously high rates produced by the backup gyro, the Hubble operations team executed a running restart of the gyro on Oct. 16th. This procedure turned the gyro off for one second, and then restarted it before the wheel spun down. The intention was to clear any faults that may have occurred during startup on Oct. 6th, after the gyro had been off for more than 7.5 years. However, the resulting data showed no improvement in the gyro's performance

space   programming   hubble  

6 years ago source permalink

NASA audio and rigntones

Explore the universe and discover our home planet with NASA through a collection of our sounds from historic spaceflights and current missions.

space   audio  

6 years ago source permalink

Falcon 9 taking off above Downtown LA.

space   spacex  

6 years ago source permalink

Falcon Nine's first launch and recovery from Vandenberg

space   spacex  

6 years ago source permalink


This image shows a portion of 67P/C-G as viewed by Rosetta on 22 September 2014, only one and a half months after the spacecraft had made its rendezvous with the comet. At the time, the spacecraft was 28.2 km from the comet centre (around 26.2 km from the surface). Amateur astronomer Jacint Roger Perez, from Spain, selected and processed this view by combining three images taken in different wavelengths by the OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on Rosetta.

space   rosetta  

6 years ago source permalink